Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Bigger" Men

So as you can plainly see there wasn't much success with this question. Seeing how there is only 3 answers.

And the answers I did get were complete and utter cow vile. If I were to go by what these people have said well this is how it would go.

"Oh, sorry there's no hope for you to get a girlfriend, not an attractive one at least"

NONONONONO I am a lot more open minded than that so instead of giving you guys the simple obvious answer of women finding bigger men to be sexually unappealing... I'll go ahead and break it down into parts that I personally think... determine it.

Well for starters we live in a culture and society where "big is bad" at least when it comes to the physical mass of someones body.

But the phsychology behind it I think plays a big role in why people remain "obese" or overweight. You see, once you're surrounded by people who don't care about themselves for long enough I think it sort of rubs off. Then when you eventually get out on your own you realize "shit I need to get in shape" but by then you've lost your motivation and theres no real drive to get up and go do anything other than friends, and family. My theory on this is that... if more obese men and women had smaller framed, petite, socially appealing women dating them it would raise their self esteem and possibly give them that motivation boost they've been needing. So this goes out to all the men and women...

If you think that big men, and big women are gross or disgusting you probably aren't contributing to the self improvement they need. Why don't you take a chance, go out on a limb. I'm sure it will surprise you what a little motivation can do.

Advice on how to bring their weight up to them...

"Hey baby? I love you more than anything in the entire world, but it hurts me to see you not taking care of yourself"

now this can either go one of two ways...

the first way is that your partner will understand and try their best too take care of themselves or...

theyll completely throw what you said out of the window and... basically if you want to get anywhere with them sunshine and butterflys wont get you anywhere. "You are out of shape and you need to do something about it.".

Best of luck to those who are looking...

and as for you "bigger" people... stay strong, keep an open mind, and a strong will. You'll make it through whatever lies ahead.

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